Thursday, October 8, 2009

WAR Against Tyranny In America / The Struggle From Within !!

Mark Twain: Honorable Citizen & Patriot

A man can be a Christian or a patriot, but he can't legally be a Christian and a patriot -- except in the usual way: one of the two with the mouth, the other with the heart. The spirit of Christianity proclaims the brotherhood of the race and the meaning of that strong word has not been left to guesswork, but made tremendously definite -- the Christian must forgive his brother man all crimes he can imagine and commit, and all insults he can conceive and utter- forgive these injuries how many times? -- seventy times seven -- another way of saying there shall be no limit to this forgiveness.

That is the spirit and the law of Christianity. Well -- Patriotism has its laws.

And it also is a perfectly definite one, there are not vagueness's about it. It commands that the brother over the border shall be sharply watched and brought to book every time he does us a hurt or offends us with an insult. Word it as softly as you please, the spirit of patriotism is the spirit of the dog and wolf. The moment there is a misunderstanding about a boundary line or a hamper of fish or some other squalid matter, see patriotism rise, and hear him split the universe with is war-whoop. The spirit of patriotism being in its nature jealous and selfish, is just in man's line, it comes natural to him -- he can live up to all its requirements to the letter; but the spirit of Christianity is not in its entirety possible to him.

The prayers concealed in what I have been saying is, not that patriotism should cease and not that the talk about universal brotherhood should cease, but that the incongruous firm be dissolved and each limb of it be required to transact business by itself, for the future.
- Mark Twain's Notebook

The words of a many honorable patriots past speaks volumes today. America was founded on the freedom of speech, and we defended them with our bibles, guns and all we believe, our 2nd Amendment right.

We the people have suddenly found ourselves in this position as a country once again, as the despots reign tyranny across our land.

A decision to defend these basic rights will have to be made again real soon as our God of good & the Satan of ‘tyranny’, are going to collide, and our people are going to have to decide which side of the line they will be standing on.

America or Tyranny.

I believe the last of the good and honorable people all united, will speak the loudest, and I hope this day of patriots comes very soon! Even if we are the minority and our roots of Freedom & Liberty are truly doomed.

Preserving our great Country & Constitution must be won at all costs and the real war to save it all, must be soon.

We cannot wait until 2010, to turn this evil blight around. If we wait until 2012, tyranny will reign across America forever and tyrannies blight will kill our precious tree of Freedom & Liberty.

I hope all good and honorable citizens & patriots alike awake to reality soon that Freedom & Liberty are quickly slipping away, our American dream is doomed.

Or, is it already to late. Have we already compromised and conceded all of our Christian Conservative values our great nation are built upon. Were they stolen before our complacent eyes and without a fight.

Time will decide if the patriots missed the ride.

Tyranny is on a mission, we the good people must find ours soon.

We good and honorable citizens & patriots still have our bibles and our guns and our freedom of speech and the Liberty to assemble! For now.

But for how much longer for they we will surley be lost too.

God understands and our God forgives US when our mission is through, because we are suppose to defeat tyranny even on our streets, and on we the peoples hill!

What else do we have to lose America, oh say can you see, our soul 'Freedom & Liberty' is slipping away!

May God Bless America Again!


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